Sustainability and sensitivity in urban furniture and public spaces
After the dismal failure of wanting to transform Europe into the most competitive economy in the world, the new Europe 2020 strategy scores three priorities:
Smart growth based on knowledge and innovation, sustainable growth, promoting a more efficient management of resources and a green and competitive economy, inclusive growth, fostering a high level of employment that generates economic, social and territorial cohesion.
Very “macro” values. From the “micro” companies, we wonder how we can provide coverage for real needs of the population and, at the same time, ensure environmental sustainability of the product, without losing sight of economic sustainability.
Thanks to the design, urban furniture can be attractive, durable and becomes a socializing element that interacts directly and functionally with the user.
At the same time sustainable philosophy allows a careful production process from beginning to end and can measure their environmental impact accordingly. This does not mean that quality is lost at any time or that it stops having what it takes to be good furniture, on the contrary, it provides competitive advantage, differentiation, added value, reduces costs and reduces environmental impact at every stage of the product life cycle, ensuring in turn a profit for the actors involved and the end user.
In the case of urban GRISVERD benches we manufacture with recycled plastic reduce the carbon footprint by 34%, the same impact generated by the route of a car in 1250 kms. This is the environmental benefits our sustainable urban furniture brings, but not the only one, by using these materials the maintenance is reduced to zero, therefore large cost savings. It should also highlight the educational value and promote environmental sensitivity of using environmentally friendly materials in public spaces.
Thanks to the program “Living 100 years. Longevity and future city” by ICEX and thanks to the cooperation of our company with the architect Roberto Morales in the project “Transmitting knowledge across generations” our vision is focused to solve recent social concerns:
- Facilitate and channel the role of older people as active participants in the transmission of knowledge and values to younger people.
- Create opportunities for meeting and joint reflection among older people and different stakeholders, promoting the analysis, discussion and communication.
- Remove physical barriers in the street furniture and public space that limit the inclusion of disadvantaged people.